Quality Diagnosis and Procedures

For our SMEs, planning, quality, internal procedures, and indicators are essential and intrinsic to their work, as well as their personal and professional development, which is why they abide by ISO principles…

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide network that determines which international standards are required by governments, trade, and society. These standards are developed jointly with the sectors that use them; they are adopted via transparent procedures based on national contributions from multiple stakeholders; and are meant to be used at a global scale.

The definition contained in ISO/IEC 17000 describes conformity assessment as the “demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled,” and it is done with this purpose.

The ISO Guide 2:2004 defines a standard as “a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.”

The Process-Oriented Approach allows an organization to plan out its processes and interactions.

The PDCA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check and Act) enables an organization to ensure that its processes are properly resourced and managed, and that areas of improvement are identified and acted upon.

Risk-Based Thinking allows an organization to plan and deploy actions to address risks and leverage opportunities, with the aim of establishing a foundation to streamline the management system.

The Management Systems Certification continues to be a strategic tool for organizations. This is highlighted by the latest ISO Survey, conducted in 2021 in over 200 countries, which revealed the following hard data:

The Official Mexican Standards (NOM) are mandatory technical regulations issued by the relevant agencies with the purpose of defining the characteristics that all processes or services must have when they pose a potential risk to people’s safety or constitute a human health hazard; as well as others related to terminology, compliance and enforcement.

For example, NOM-037 is the official Mexican standard that regulates health and safety conditions for remote work.

Considering the above, we offer appropriate solutions for every situation you may want to improve on, through an operational performance diagnosis or operability review, both of which include a presentation of data and a work proposal that will allow you to boost performance and productivity rates.


Our Artifex share knowledge and help our business partners in all main corporate areas:

  • Training Needs Assessment 
  • Projects for Certifying and Updating National and International Standards 
  • Time and Motion Studies
  • Process Development and Implementation 
  • Critical Path Mapping
  • Operations Manual
  • Indicator Design and Implementation (KPI, BSC/CMI)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 
  • Business Process Reengineering 
  • Management Coaching

Contact us to learn more about our services in a private consultation.

CONTACT US: (+52) 5534-57-2987 · (+52) 5578-01-6226

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